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  1. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    Found these on local sales ads. Both look to be in good condition.
  2. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    All of those single side hub motors are over 750 watts. The state I'm in is very strict on the 750-watt max for an electric bicycle. Anything over 750 and they classify it as an electric motorcycle. Which again bars it from use on bike trails and paths. Which in turn brings me to another...
  3. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    They do make single side mount hub motors for electric bicycles with single arm mounts. Looks busy as all hell on the rear wheel as everything is routed to one side of it. Disc brake, drive chain (belt, shaft), and rear gear selection method. Light I am not. 265 pounds on me, plus the weight...
  4. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    I want another quad and would love to build one again. The problem is the State of Missouri won't allow it to go many of the places I need to go with it as they see it as a pedal Go-Kart or pedal ATV, not a bicycle. But if it has two or three wheels they don't care. If it's pulling a one wheel...
  5. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    Yes, I know Paul. I'm looking at cargo bikes because I need a last mile delivery style bike. I run a small off grid farm and routinely need to transport produce to market or distributor and bring supplies back to the farm. I was up until Oct last year transporting everything back and forth...
  6. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    On a side note, seen an AZ TimberWolf going through town. Fellow riding it was doing a cross country ride. Started in Seattle and was going someplace in North Carolina. Was pulling a two-wheel trailer behind it with all his supplies. Was stopped at local truck stop getting a bite to eat and...
  7. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    Yeah, I know that a three-wheel cargo is about as heavy as a four-wheel cargo. But I have to keep the people that make the rules happy, so I'm stuck using a three-wheel cargo. With the conditions of the back roads after rain or in the winter I want all the wheels driven not just one. I can...
  8. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    Too wide for use just about anywhere. I'm looking to do a narrow version of it. Also wondering if something like this drive line on a bendy four wheel articulated tractor would work on this style of bicycle to get power to the rear wheels too. Yeah, those car topper cargo carriers like on...
  9. Telknor

    Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida

    The main website for Organic Engines of Tallahassee, Florida is down. They are the makers of the FWD mid steer delta trike called the Triceratops. Someone else posted pictures of this bike before. I'm curious what the...
  10. Telknor

    From Eco-Vehicles

    I've seen a variation of this idea that was a recumbent trike with linear slides that you pushed forward on the bike frame ahead of you. There were no springs to fight as it was the motion of the linear slides that pulled the other side back to the start position via a cable and pulley. It...
  11. Telknor

    New Member, New Quad, Questionable design choices...

    Ok so an update. It turns out that it's just the State parks service and the one massive bicycle and hiking trail that is the issue with the quad or it with a trailer. Due to some outdated state regulation, they operate under. In that regulation normal two wheeled bicycles and adult tricycles...
  12. Telknor

    New Member, New Quad, Questionable design choices...

    Guess I can build a delta trike like the Ziphy 3 with a trailer to still move the loads I need to and at least the loaded trailer would have four wheels at the corners of it technically for stability.
  13. Telknor

    New Member, New Quad, Questionable design choices...

    Well, I've run into a bit of a problem with the four wheeled bicycle project. The state of Missouri does not see anything with more than two or three bicycle wheels on the main pedal body as a "bicycle" and therefore would ban the use of this on any bicycle paths, lanes, or trails. They see it...
  14. Telknor

    Pictures disappearing.

    Just a heads up it looks like the picture and links gremlins are back. Many post the pictures are missing and links added in the post are showing as either ... or --- in blue. Might be a bad setting somewhere or maybe something else.
  15. Telknor

    New Member, New Quad, Questionable design choices...

    Was just a thought about using the powerchair motors on a bike project. I already have plans to use an actual mid drive or hub motor on the quad. The mid drive I already have on order is for the mountain bike I ride into town on a daily basis on errands that the quad would be overkill for...
  16. Telknor

    New Member, New Quad, Questionable design choices...

    How do you figure that? The chair moved at 6-8 mph with up to a 300-pound person sitting on it up inclines between floors. The fastest mower I've used can cut grass at 15 mph and there are mowers available that can cut at much higher speeds. There is a brand of robot mower / tractor that I...
  17. Telknor

    New Member, New Quad, Questionable design choices...

    No. These motors are from the zero turn powerchair. I was planning on building them into a robot mower but was wondering if they might work on a project related to a quad or trike. I need to find the specs on them again. All I remember about them off the top of my head is that they are 24v dc...
  18. Telknor

    New Member, New Quad, Questionable design choices...

    Wondering if these would work in a bicycle project or not. These are slated for a robot mower. 24v dc motors with electronic brakes and manual e-brakes. Reduction gearbox to a removable four lug spindle that currently has an 8 inch by 4 inch air filled tire. At the moment they are attached...
  19. Telknor

    New Member, New Quad, Questionable design choices...

    Found this about an hour ago and was wondering how practical it would be to use this in the winter. This company makes "snow bicycles" that have a ski in front and a caterpillar track in the back. They also sell the track units by themselves. Thought of getting two to stick on the rear axle...
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