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  1. T

    I'm interested only in the chicken tractor plan.

    I dont think so, but I'm not the admin, what i will say is that i found it helpful to read through several of the plans, even when I wasn't making them, because it gave me more ways to do certain things and different methods that I used on the build that I did do.
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    Parts is Parts

    The spokes are useful also, they're great for measuring during a build or making hooks for hanging parts when painting. The front disc brake, the chain, since a tadpole needs 2.5 of them roughly, the seat post is probably steel, head tube bearings and cups are probably worth saving, they're...
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    Searching for 20mm thru-axle hubs

    I wouldn't pay much attention to my previous post, it was for a warrior build, I have no idea how it would apply to what you're building.
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    Marauder LowRacer Pilots

    Very cool, how did you do the kickstand, i have been trying to come up with one for the Tomahawk I built?
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    Searching for 20mm thru-axle hubs

    Those are nearly identical to the hubs I ordered from Ebay about 4 years ago and they have about 1,000 miles on them without any issues. Something I did different from the manual with them though, instead of using a 14mm bolt or build up the weld on a smaller bolt, I used two "58104 Flange...
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    QUESTION (Help) For the Streetfox

    Can't speak to what's "best" for welding, there are plenty of others here for that. I can offer, that I have finished 4 AZ builds, all were with MIG and shielding gas. The first was 100% CO2, the other 3 were using a mix of CO2/Argon, all 4 have held up without any problems. I'm not a welder...
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    Marauder LowRacer Pilots

    I built a tomahawk and the learning curve was difficult for a while, it took some practice and adjustment. Something that helped me was changing the handlebars, mine were way to big. I was riding and gripped my bars almost at the center post to steer and it was so much easier to control. I...
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    Finally Finished

    Just use your first trike to make a few jigs out of plywood and 2x4s and the second trike will be so much quicker and easier you'll be shocked. I built the 2nd and 3rd trikes quicker, combined, than the my first build, they came out better and it was easier.
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    Finally Finished

    Before you dive to deep into the pull in the steering, did you check the tire pressure?
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    Help Please

    I see you already bought them, but I was going to recommend you buy them all as well. I first bought four plans, the next week after reading through them, I bought four more, then four more, etc. I found that all of the plans were excellent to read through as he has different information in each...
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    Finally Finished

    Looks great, good job! I built one with the intent of building a few more if the first worked, I ultimately built 4 AZ builds. The first was by far the worst and most difficult, the others took less than a third of the time, so don't rule out building another, I would recommend making some jigs...
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    Anyone poor metal molds or other fabrication techniques that are not common?

    I've done some casting at home with aluminum. I build a the mini metal foundry and torch with stuff from a big box hardware store, and used aluminum scrap from ebay. I found I had better results melting the scrap into ingots first, letting it all cool, then using the ingots to make the final...
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    what welder do you need for steel or AL?

    I think so, but I don't recall it was in 2020. I don't know what the warranties and build materials for most popular trikes are, so I don't want to misrepresent anything, it was just the determining factor for me when deciding to stick with steel.
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    what welder do you need for steel or AL?

    When I was thinking about building a warrior, I went down the same road regarding aluminum. I ultimately decided against it when I realized that 'real' bikes and trikes made by the professional have wildly varying warranties. Aluminum frames (generally) carry a warranty of five years, while the...
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    Warrior seat mod question

    That's how they come from the factory, sitting on a bolt on the bottom and two pipes to the supports at the top, but I was worried about the weight being in so few places on the frame itself, the seat before was from the plans so the board was on the whole frame.
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    Warrior seat mod question

    I am modifying a warrior I made to use a sun seeker mesh seat. This is how I plan to hvae it, rifht now everything is just tacked or hel in place with Magnets. Does it look like it will work, there is enough support , etc. Basically the seat is sitting kn a bolt for the bottom, iI added a...
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    Warrior Saddlebags

    I just looked at the link, those look a little beyond my ability as this point especially, I also dont know how to work with nylon, I'm still learning leather
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    Warrior Saddlebags

    I have a job if thats what you mean :) The only commission work I've done before is airbrushing, like fine art, and automotive art. I'm new to working with leather, so no not yet, what are you looking for?
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    Warrior Saddlebags

    This winter's project was to start leatherworking to make saddlebags. Here is what I came up with for the Warrior, one side is for carrying tools, the other side, first aid.
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    New Forum Online!

    Formatting worked great on android, I have a fold and changed back and forth between both a small and full screen and it adjusted perfectly without needing to refresh the page, same with rotating between landscape/portrait as well. Only question, the first article says figure 1, but the...
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