Time sure does fly by.
Guess it's time for a little update.
My swamp cooler update/install has really helped. I have been able to spend at least 4 hours a day working in my shop.
The average temp in the shop has been 82-86 (F). I can deal with that because it's a 'cool' 82.
Outside has been averaging 102-105ish.
The major step forward is I have full power forward and backward.
Did a three-foot drive with full body and my person on board.
The two motors didn't show any sign of strain.
I've been working steadily on getting the rear brakes, and gears to cooperate with each other.
Have had them installed and removed and reinstalled numerous times.
Chain tension has been a major issue.
Today I think I finally achieved rapport and tomorrow will be ...BRAKE FLUID DAY. Yay!!!
My better half has agreed to be the brake pedal pusher. Let's hope all goes well.
The hoist has been a back and knee saver.
Here you can see how it works with installing the body.

Pushing the chassis under the body.
If all goes well with the brake bleed operation tomorrow, I will be able to take it out for a road(yard) test.
I'm going to start with a conventional brake bleed procedure.
If there is a considerable problem with that, I will get a brake bleed kit...maybe.
I have looked into the use of mineral oil vs DOT4.
Can't see any advantage in using either one for my particular application.
One snafu. I hooked up the charger to the battery just to see.
I didn't need to as the battery has only lost about 1.5 volts in the last year.
Well, I guess I did something wrong as the charger popped and sparked after about a couple of minutes.
So now I'm trying to contact my supplier to get it fixed or buy another charger.