Steel strength and hand held welders

Hey y'all... I am a tile guy and our house is carfree. We have a multitude of options for hauling things. I have always fantasized about what an F350 would be as a bicycle. So we are now building a bike, custom for my work.

I have some questions about different steels and the strengths of them. 1000# hauling capacity would be awesome. I have a great plan I believe...

Second ... Anyone ever use one of those self contained, hand held welders?

Thanks for the help

Well, I can tell you what an F-150 would be as an electric scooter!
My YardMule has an F-150 differential and an old 1970's motorbike front end.
Found most of the parts at the local dump....

Early prototype tests...

This is one of the plans in the 40 DIY plans list.
It's 270 pages, so more than a weekend build, but worth it of you want a robust electric tractor!
I would say that this is the best vehicle I have ever built. and certainly the most used.

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I would think a handheld welder would result in more unusable welds as you
have to wield the entire welder. Seems cumbersome to me.
I would think it better to just have the welding part in your hand as you would
get better precision I think. Try to think of it like this, signing your name with a
pen that fills the palm of your hand as opposed to a normal pen.
I'm not a welder so I wouldn't know, but I would think holding that thing for
a long time would result in hand fatigue.
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